• Saudi Korean businessman Forum in Riyadh

    Event StartDate :04/03/2015
    Event EndDate : 04/03/2015

    The EastChamberpresents its compliments,in our responseto letterfrom the Chamber CouncilNo.ش.خ/ج/1171date04/15/1436  that the Councilin coordination with theKoreanChamber of CommerceIndustrialwill organizeSaudiBusinessForumKorea, whichwill be heldin the presence ofHis Excellency thePresident of theRepublic of South KoreaMs./ParkkunHey,accompanied byan official delegationgrandeurand more than100Koreanbusinessmanrepresentingmajor Koreancompanies invarious fields, soWednesday, 05/13/1436AH
    ApprovedMarch 4, 2015MHotel(FurSeasonsRiyadh)at nine inthe morning.
    So we hopethose who wishto participatefill inthe attached formand send ittothe fax number0112182485
    Or e-mailjgachallan@csc.org.sa.​ 

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